Solving the Advent of Code - 2015 Day 1

The Advent of Code ( website hosts many CTF-like events, with a variety of programming puzzles to solve. It was developed by Eric Wastl, the author of Vanilla JS, PHP Sadness and other cool projects. The Events are usually hosted annually, in December. The events and the puzzles are packaged with a festive touch and in each level, the challenger will need to resolve issues relating to Christmas using his programming knowledge. These puzzles were developed for a variety of skill sets and skill levels, and are solvable using any programming language of choice. Each puzzle is unique, small and fun to solve. They do not require specialised hardware.

Author's profile picture Hossein Anvari on Programming, challenges,, python, and puzzles

Update - What's happening?

I have been absent from the blog for some time. It is partially due to different commitments and also partially due to the nature of the blog posts. Specifically, the Capture-The-Flag write-ups, they require considerable time to write. This is because I hope to present accurate and detailed posts. Despite that when I have the opportunity, I wish to contribute to Work In Progress (WIP) blog posts.

Author's profile picture Hossein Anvari on update

Solving the fd challenge -

The objective of this challenge (fd - is to learn about file descriptors, specially the standard file descriptors (Standard Input, Standard Output and Standard Error).

Author's profile picture Hossein Anvari on capture-the-flag, pawnablekr, Writeup, file, and descriptor

Crack-Me Writeup - SnD Reversing Tutorial #2

The objective of this Crack-Me is to get the flag/ the success message by either validating a license key from a file or patching the execution flow of the program. You may use any other methods.

Author's profile picture Hossein Anvari on Crackme, SnD, and Writeup